Friday, August 17, 2007


I had a shot at obfuscation, and it's fun!

If you can figure out what programming language this is from, then good.
If you can figure out what this program does, then better!

#Start of program
#This program was written by me.
#Copyright of Ralph Rainiel A. Pineda, 2007
def _8(_,__) _+__ end
_45 = 2; __45 = 0; _sss = "cute ";
def _0_(_,__) _/__ end
_99 = "BLE";_98_="op w";
def _g() gets end
_xx = "ti"; ___1 = _8("OSSI",_99)
def __5(_,__) _%__ end
_sS = _8("The lo",_98_);
def _4_6_(_,__) _**__ end
def _sS_(_) puts _ end
def _1_(___,_,____) ___ - _33_(_,____) end
_x = _8(" ",_xx)
def _(__,___)
_1_ = __; __1 = ___; _1__ = false
if(_1_ < __1) then _a(_1_,__1) ; _1__ = true; end; ___2 = 0;
____ = 1; __02 = ___2; _0__ = ___2; _45 = 0; __0_ = _1_;
___1 = ___2; _0_1 = 1; __01 = __1; _0_2 = ___2; __45 = 2;
while(__01 != _45)
_11_ = __((__0_/__01))
___2 = _1_(____,_11_,___1); _0_2 = _1_(_0__,_11_,_0_1); __02 = _1_(__0_,_11_,__01)
____ = ___1; _0__ = _0_1; __0_ = __01; ___1 = ___2; _0_1 = _0_2; __01 = __02
if(__0_ < _45) then __0_ = _33_(__0_,_b4_(_45,_0_(__45,__45)));
____ = _33_(____,_b4_(_45,_0_(__45,__45))); _0__ = _33_(_0__,_b4_(_45,_0_(__45,__45))) end
if _1__ then _____ = [__0_, _0__, ____] else _____ = [__0_, ____, _0__] end
def _5(_) _.abs end
def __(_) _.to_i end
_sSS = _8(_sS,_8("ill exe",_sss)); ___2 = "IMP"
def _b4_(_,__) _-__ end
def _a(_,__) _____=_;___=_____;_=__;__=___ end
_xX = _8(_x,"mes.")
def _33_(_,__) _*__ end
_ = __(_g()); __ = __(_g());___ = __(_g()); _1_ = __(_g())
if(_ == __) then _sS_(_8(_sSS,_8(__45.to_s,_xX)))
if(__5(_5(__-_),_c__[__45]) == __45) then
_11_=__(_33_((_0_((__-_),_c__[__45])),(_c__[_0_(_45,_45)]))); _8=_0_((_4_6_(_45,_1_)),_c__[__45])
while(_11_ > __45) do if( _b4_(_11_,_8) > __45) then _11_ = _b4_(_11_,_8) else break end end
while(_11_ < __45) do _11_ = _8(_11_,_8) end
else _sS_(_8(___2,___1)) end
#End of program

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